How to Get to Hosidius in OSRS - RuneScape Tools

How to Get to Hosidius in OSRS

Old School RuneScape (OSRS) is renowned for its sprawling world filled with diverse cities, regions, and quests to embark on. Among these locales, the region of Hosidius stands out for its fertile lands, agrarian prowess, and rich history. Whether you’re a seasoned OSRS adventurer or new to the game, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate your way to Hosidius and uncover the treasures it holds.

Step 1: Your Starting Point – Kourend Castle

Your journey to Hosidius commences in the city of Kourend, the central hub of the Kingdom of Great Kourend. If you’re not already in Kourend, you can access this kingdom by taking a boat from the Port Sarim docks. Once you’ve arrived in Kourend, make your way to the heart of the kingdom, Kourend Castle, to set your course for Hosidius.

Step 2: The Kourend Castle Teleport (Recommended)

For a swift and convenient route to Hosidius, consider utilizing the Kourend Castle Teleport spell or the Kourend Castle Teleport tablet. To access this spell, you must first delve into the Arceuus spellbook, which requires a Magic level of 69.

Acquiring the Arceuus spellbook pages is the initial step. These pages can be found within the Arceuus Library, situated in the southeastern region of Arceuus. Once you’ve gathered these pages and unlocked the spellbook, you’ll gain access to the Kourend Castle Teleport spell, allowing you to teleport directly to Kourend Castle.

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Step 3: The Journey from Kourend Castle to Hosidius

After reaching Kourend Castle, your next task is to proceed to Hosidius. You have several options to make this journey:

  1. On Foot: The most straightforward approach is to travel on foot. Exit Kourend Castle and head southeast. You’ll traverse fields and cross a river via a bridge, ultimately arriving in the picturesque region of Hosidius.
  2. Xeric’s Talisman: If you’ve completed the Architectural Alliance mini-quest, you can utilize a charged Xeric’s Talisman to teleport directly to Hosidius. This amulet can be charged at the statue in the center of Kourend, with one of its teleport options leading to Hosidius.
  3. Skills Necklace (Optional): If you possess a Skills Necklace, you can employ its teleport feature to reach the Woodcutting Guild, located within Hosidius. From there, you can explore this bountiful region at your leisure.

Step 4: Delving into Hosidius

With Hosidius now within reach, you’ll find yourself amidst a lush and vibrant agricultural expanse. Hosidius is celebrated for its farming activities, including the renowned Tithe Farm minigame situated in the eastern part of the region. Here are some noteworthy places to visit and activities to partake in within Hosidius:

  1. Tithe Farm: Test your farming acumen at the Tithe Farm minigame and earn valuable points for a host of rewards, including the sought-after Farmer’s Outfit and Grape Seeds.
  2. Hosidius House: Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the Hosidius family by paying a visit to their residence in the heart of the region.
  3. Woodcutting Guild: Nestled in the northeastern corner of Hosidius, the Woodcutting Guild is a haven for woodcutters, offering diverse trees to chop and a convenient sawmill for log processing.
  4. Café: Experience the delectable cuisine and beverages of Hosidius at the Hosidius Café, located in the southern reaches of the region. Don’t miss the chance to savor the famed Hosidius Goblet.
  5. Farming Patches: Hosidius boasts multiple farming patches, making it an ideal locale for cultivating herbs, trees, and allotments. Embrace your inner farmer and reap the rewards.


Embarking on your journey to Hosidius in OSRS is a straightforward yet rewarding experience that unveils a world of agricultural delights and cultural exploration. Whether you’re an avid farmer, woodcutter, or simply an adventurer with a thirst for discovery, Hosidius has something special to offer. So, gear up, teleport to Kourend Castle, and embark on an unforgettable journey to this enchanting region where vibrant activities and rich history await.

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Wajid Minhas

Wajid Minhas is an experienced SEO professional with a proven track record of success in the industry. With over 5 years of experience in the field, Wajid has worked with a variety of clients from different industries, helping them to achieve their digital marketing goals. Contact for Any Queries:

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